Michael and Cyarra: Engagement Session

When God made Cyarra, he certainly had Michael in mind. These two are more than perfect together. This couple's engagement shoot started on a beautiful Sunday evening in the lovely Pagoda Gardens of Norfolk. 

Sporting her sun-kissed jumper and sunny smile to match, Cyarra, was ready for her close up. Michael was just as ready with his linen blazer and laid back smile. This couple came prepared with props, ideas and a great imagination. We had fun posing and laughing the whole day through. 

Suddenly, the clouds opened and it rained, and rained and didn't stop raining. But not to worry, Reggie, thinking quickly own his feet, decided to move our good time to the closest parking deck, careful not to disturb Cyarra's beautiful curls. 

Optimistic and determined, we all pressed through and continued our party despite the weather. We cranked up our tunes, and made the most of the day. Cyarra and Michael did not let the rain stop the show. Just like their lives, no matter what comes, their way, they will always lean on God first and then each other to get themselves through. 

This match was truly made in heaven and Reggie and I are looking forward to their big day.

Ronny Smart

Hi, I'm Ronny! I love ice cream, bubble wrap and parties. What I love most about photography is being able to capture the moment as I see it. Between Reggie and I, we have different styles and that is what makes us the perfect husband and wife combo. I capture the little details you may miss and he captures the moment. I love being able to work alongside my best friend everyday and also being able to be creative. Photography is what I love and its nice to do what I love with whom I love.