Mario & Portia

A love without a limit, that's what Mario and Portia share. With mutually friends in common, the met at a house party which ended up being the first brick to their house of love. 


July of 2016, Mario knew Portia was the one for him and there was no other. He asked her to be his wife and they are planning a fall wedding. 


Reggie and I couldn't be happier to capture your special day!

Ronny Smart

Hi, I'm Ronny! I love ice cream, bubble wrap and parties. What I love most about photography is being able to capture the moment as I see it. Between Reggie and I, we have different styles and that is what makes us the perfect husband and wife combo. I capture the little details you may miss and he captures the moment. I love being able to work alongside my best friend everyday and also being able to be creative. Photography is what I love and its nice to do what I love with whom I love.