
Wedding Series: Why we choose to have a second shooter

Why Do We Have a Second Shooter?

All of our wedding packages include two photographers – a main photographer, and a second shooter. A second shooter is an additional photographer who is there to cover the wedding as well. We choose to have a second shooter for many reasons.

Before you Graduate: How to be the BEST Senior Rep Ever!

How To Be The Best Senior Rep 

We are so excited to begin our journey with you! We’ve put together a few tips on how to gain the most referrals through our program. If you have found that something else works too, let us know and we’ll add it in. 

Have a good online social media presence. Actively post on your social media pages – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. When we do your session, post the photos to your pages, make them your cover photos and blog about your experience. Keep the hype up by talking about your photos on your social media. Talk about your session before and after it happens. We can even stop and post a selfie during if you’d like! Tag our page when you talk about us, so your followers will link to our page.

Pass out your rep cards. We will give you personalized rep cards with your photos. Pass them out to your friends, teammates, classmates, etc.

Mention us to juniors/seniors in other high schools. If you are in a lot of extracurricular activities that allow you to be around students from other schools, be sure to pass your rep cards along to them and let them know how much you love our company. We take on clients from within a 50-mile radius of our studio. If you need a list of approved schools, just ask and we’ll send it over. The more people you talk to about the session, the greater the chance of getting referrals.

Talk about your session and how much fun it was. Whenever you show people your photos, talk about how much fun the session was. Include details from your experience to make them want to do it as well. We’re selling more than just beautiful photos, but the experience as well.

Get your parents involved. Have your parents pass out rep cards to their friends at work who have teenagers that will soon need our services. 

Now that you are Engaged: Finding Your Engagement Session Style

How to Find Your Engagement Style

This is one of those things you really don’t need to be stressed about. The key is to look inward and to consider your current life habits, hobbies and interests. From there, you’ll be able to find your engagement session style and incorporate it into your photographs seamlessly.

  1. Think about your respective, and shared, hobbies and passions. For example, do you both love music? Or is cooking every night something you always do together? Maybe you love to go swing dancing. 

  2. Your respective professions can definitely contribute to your e-session style. Is he a firefighter? A scientist? A farmer? Is she a chef? A kindergarten teacher? A geologist? Whatever the case may be, incorporate your professional lives into your photographs. Maybe it’s as simple as a chalkboard, a hay bale, or a chef’s hat. 

  3. Are you into sports? Show some team spirit in your photographs with jerseys, sports equipment or something similar. 

  4. What’s your favorite kind of music? Are you both country lovers? Maybe you’re more into the classical music scene. Don’t be afraid to dress the part.

  5. Where do you feel like you’re really in your element? Is it outdoors at your favorite park? In the museum perusing the art? Or maybe you love the buzz of a colorful city.

  6. What always makes you two laugh or have fun? Maybe it’s a board game, or a visit to the fair or circus.  

Before you Graduate: Let Us Capture Your Graduation!

Graduation Services Available

Did you know that SmartShot Photography offers graduation services? That’s right! We will come to your graduation and photograph the whole event for you! We’ll be there for the speeches, to watch you walk across the stage and capture that moment you reach for your well-deserved diploma. We’ll even stick around after and take photos of you with your friends and family members! We also offer a mini album for you to store all of these cherished memories in. 

You can purchase this service a la carte, or we can add it on to your senior package. For pricing and booking information, please contact us at smartshot757@gmail.com. 

Kendall + Shannika : Meet the Johnsons

Kendall + Shannika : Meet the Johnsons

The deal is sealed. Kendall and Shannika have wed!

Wedding Day Sneak Peek: Mario And Portia

Wedding Day Sneak Peek: Mario And Portia

The Yancey's love wins! Together for ever! It was the absolute pleasure of Reggie and I to capture this beautiful day with such a perfect for each other couple.

Carey & Tiffeny Engagement Shoot

Carey & Tiffeny Engagement Shoot

Love was always cooking between these two from day one! Plenty of FISH brought them together. Carey professed Tiffeny as his RIB and he wasn't a CHICKEN about it.

Mario & Portia

Mario & Portia

A love without a limit, that's what Mario and Portia share. With mutually friends in common, the met at a house party which ended up being the first brick to their house of love...

Exclusive Wedding Day Sneak Peek: Brandon & Gabrielle Wedding Day

Exclusive Wedding Day Sneak Peek: Brandon & Gabrielle Wedding Day

The happiest day of their lives, Brandon and Gabrielle committed themselves to one another on Saturday August 13th, 2016 before God, their friends and dearest family. Although Gabrielle's father, the late Clifton Martin was not physically with us, his spirit and presence was still felt as his love shined down on his "Toots" on her wedding day...